The Invasion of Poland
1939 Moscow fabricates “ethnic conflicts” and invades Poland to “protect minorities” — a facade for a secret Russian Colonialism deal with Hitler to divide Europe. Around 200,000 were slaughtered in
1939 Moscow fabricates “ethnic conflicts” and invades Poland to “protect minorities” — a facade for a secret Russian Colonialism deal with Hitler to divide Europe. Around 200,000 were slaughtered in
1934-43 The indigenous nation of Nenets tries to escape Russian Colonialism after centuries of genocides, exploitation, cultural erasure. The Mandalada uprising was drowned in another genocide
1933 The indigenous Siberian nation of Khanty tries to escape Russian Colonialism after centuries of genocides, exploitation, cultural erasure and mass abductions. An anti-colonial uprising was drowned in mass murder.
1932 The indigenous nation of Dolgans tries to escape Russian Colonialism after getting sick of economic exploitation and cultural erasure. Moscow drowns the Taymyr uprising in blood and mass repressions.
1930-43 Under the pressure of settler colonialism, the indigenous nation of Crimean Tatars tries to escape Russian Colonialism via several uprisings. Moscow lies it wants to protect itself and targets
1930 Kazakhstan tries to escape Russian Colonialism amid Moscow’s wild pillage of farmlands and local resources. Over 372 uprisings and rebellions pop up, some are explicitly anti-colonial. The Kremlin suppresses
1929-44 Tannu-Tuva tries to escape Russian Colonialism. Moscow stages a coup, installs a puppet regime, starts cultural erasure, sends ethnically Russian settler colonialists, forces Tuva to grant them citizenship and
1929 North Afghanistan becomes a base for anti-colonial fighters from Central Asia. The unpopular Afghan king gets ousted and asks Russia to invade. The Kremlin sends troops dressed in Afghan
1927 Sick of exploitation of indigenous lands, Yakutia tries to escape Russian Colonialism and form a democratic confederation. Moscow lures the leaders into a false autonomy and amnesty deal, then
1924 Tungus Republic of indigenous arctic nations tries to escape Russian Colonialism after centuries of genocides, exploitation and cultural erasure. Moscow lured the republic in ceasefire with fake autonomy promises,